Monday, January 28, 2013

Grey dress

Grey jumper dress - Topshop, Necklace - Urban Outfitters, Shoes - River Island

So these pictures were clearly taken over Christmas so I have no excuse for not posting other than sheer laziness. If there was an award for being a shit blogger I'd probably win it. Not just blogging though, just my online existence. Life has been socially hectic lately and having fun and being slightly intoxicated has gotten in the way of pursuing dreams  of being an actual fashion blogger, being a real grown up and ever having money in my bank account. But sure, enjoying life is the name of the game right?

Bloody love this dress..or jumper. Cool and casual, easy and breezy. I should probably pair it with tights because my legs are white. Seriously white, but if I can get away with going bare legged I usually go for it. Ripped tights are the bane of my existence.
First world problems. 

Love & Hugs.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hair Envy

Gwen Stefani.

I'm a huge fan of Gwen, her music, her style, her determination, her body, even her lipstick choices appeal to me. To top it all off she has the dream hair. Platinum blonde AND in good condition. Its beyond me how it looks so shiny, healthy and thick so consistently. Platinum blonde is up there with being one of the hardest colours to pull off and maintain. Any sort of a root is instantly noticeable, its prone to going a little bit too warm (Orangey) and as its peroxide it is extremely damaging to the hair. But she's been rocking it for years and not once have I seen it looking in anyway dodgy. (Not that I see her regularly or anything!)
She, or her hairdresser, also has the styling perfected. Wheter it's 1970's Glamour, Rockabilly or a simple topknot, her hair always compliments whatever fashion she's rocking that day.

I did have my hair platinum once, I quite liked it too, but working in a salon now and seeing how damaging it can be would put me right off. Pretty sure my hair would snap if I tried. I do copy some of her up styles though. My friend in work is big into retro type hair styling and loves playing with my hair so I can be seen wondering around town with massive quiffs and victory rolls on a regular basis.

Hope the new year is being nice to you guys.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years

 Velvet dress - UO sale, Shoes - UO

Hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years.
I have had a great few weeks filled with friends, family, chocolate and alcohol. 
2012 has been a strange year, I came into it heartbroken, grieving and just about coping. I took life minute by minute as anything beyond that was to much to deal with. I can't really pinpoint the day, or even the month when happiness filled me again (possibly being in London with some pals drinking in some godforsaken pub in Walthamstow...), but it did, and I'm so grateful. I've learnt a lot, mostly about myself, how strong I really am and how to treat the people around me. I've been disappointed by some, but I've been lucky enough to meet some amazing people who will hopefully play a part in my life for many years to come. 

I made so many changes in my life in 2012, so my 'resolution' for 2013 is grow a little bit more, create more opportunities for myself and start some new relationships filled with love, laughter and hope. 

...and maybe blog a little bit more

...and eat less chocolate. :)

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