Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tired Eyes

Teething, feeding, too hot or too cold, an over active mind, anxiety and a severe Instagram obsession have resulted in long term sleep deprivation. For 14 months now I have woken every three hours without fail, resulting in some major dark circles and eye bags. #Glam.

The elusive 8 hours sleep is but a distant memory and as a result I have tried and tested every tip and product aimed at making me look less zombiefied. Fake it till you make it...and by make it I mean get a few hours uninterrupted sleep.... :/

 4 hours broken sleep 
#nomakeupselfie ;)
(Excuse the mirror smudge)

Anyway, here's a few things that are working for me:

1. Hydration - Frequent wakings has wreaked havoc on my skin, leaving it dry and ashen looking. I have always drank a lot of water, but have recently upped my game as I've become all to aware that I am entering my thirties and would like to keep those wrinkles and pores at bay a little longer. Water flushes out excess salt from your skin leaving it brighter and less puffy. I also use an oil or serum under my moisturiser to give an extra little boost. Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse is my oil of choice and it is delish.

2. Exfoliate - Exfoliation gives new life to your skin. Removing dead skin cells and dirt trapped deep in your pores, it instantly makes your skin look bright, vibrant and smooth.

3. Eye Products - The old school trick, of chilled spoons and tea bags helps de-puff before using some products. In the morning I use Mac Fast Response Eye Cream, which is 'A caffeinated cream that de-puffs, firms and erases dark circles and fine lines'. Its good, very good. Before bed I use Clinique All About Eyes, which feels incredibly moisturising, exactly what I need after a day of blood shot, tired eyes. 

4. Make up - Mac Prep and Prime is my holy grail product. Usually it is enough to wear under my eyes on its own but on days where I'm looking particularly bad, its best coupled with Mac Pro Long Wear Concealer. Then just lash on some bronzer and I start to look a little more alive.

5. Sunglasses -  Sunglasses, big sunglasses are every tired Mama's best friend. These ones from Asos are exactly what I need. 


Monday, July 27, 2015

Kid & Coe

I found it. Family friendly holidays that don't involve a Spanish resort or Disney Land, which are fun, but not exactly my idea of relaxing. 
We had decided against holiday this year, as we're the city exploring type and it seemed way too daunting with a toddler in tow. 
Until now that is, I've just come across a holiday rental site full of stylish family friendly rentals. Much like Air B&B but aimed at families. We usually use Air B&B when travelling and have found that staying in a local residence rather than a hotel has definitely added to the experience of a city, as well as working out cheaper. However they probably wouldn't suit us now as we would require the multitude of paraphernalia that comes along with having a toddler. High chairs, cot, and plenty of toys for entertainment. 

Cue Kid & Coe, basically a home away from home, including all the baby equipment you could need. High chairs, cots, toys and space. As well as super stylish interiors for Mama. 
There are homes pretty much everywhere from L.A to Leitrim, although surprisingly there are none in Dublin. (Leitrim though, lol), prices vary on what you are looking for, but their are some surprisingly good value AMAZING properties if your travelling with family and able to share the prices. The website gives all the details you could need for reassurance when travelling with a child, how long to airport, nearest shops,what age the toys supplied are for, etc.

But be warned, scanning through their website will make you want to renovate your house! 

More images saved on my Pinterest

Monday, July 13, 2015

Clean Eating Baby Style

Being an avid blogger (writer & consumer) I see loads of sponsored or production review posts; from clothes & make up, to car seats and holidays. 

When starting this blog, I had decided I wasn't going to get caught up in all pressure of making money or working with brands because to me its more of an outlet: a document of our lives while Lyla is young. I wouldn't like the pressure of having to write about stuff that didn't interest me, nor do I have the time, energy, motivation or creativity to post as much as big timers bloggers do. (Seriously, how do they do it!?)

Lyla enjoys a bit of cleaning

My theory was first put to the test when I was sent some Dettol products to try. I know right? Some bloggers get make up, I get cleaning products. Kinda delighted about that though because as all you Mamas will know: cleaning takes on a whole new importance when you have a baby. Not only because LO leaves a trail of destruction, but also because she is will use any surface as a plate, and is willing to taste everything (not just food). Still, I really hate cleaning; t
his news may surprise some, like Jamie, who yesterday said to me 'You got to hoover and wash the floors all before 10am, dream scenario'. Yeh, thanks. But the quicker/easier I can get it done, the better all round.

Rather clean her own kitchen than mine

For the most part, I'll buy own-brand or special offer cleaning products. Often with mixed results. With time being light, and the load being heavy, it was interesting to use a leading brand like Dettol to see if it made any difference, and most importantly if it made my life any easier!

So the results:

The Dettol Antibacterial Surface Cleanser spray is great for when your in a jam: just spray and wipe with a kitchen towel. No need to rinse away, which I'm always a little bit paranoid about because who wants cleaning products on there food. We wash Lyla's highchair tray a couple of times a day, but you're never quite sure if you're getting everything. This way you can be doubly sure with minimum fuss.

The Wipes do the same job, but for on-the-go. They are perfect for the baby bag. Lyla and I absolutely love ourselves, and as such are total ladies-who-lunch, treating ourselves to coffees and lunches out (milk for Lyla) at least twice a week. The wipes are so handy for wiping down high chairs in restaurants and coffee shops, which are NEVER clean.

 we learnt from, that kitchen sinks are hotspot for bacteria, so just a close inspection that its clean

So there you have it, I wrote a blog post about my favourite cleaning products and not only that, but my 30th is coming up, and when I was asked what I wanted as a present I said 'Maybe a Dyson?' 

What even is my life?

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