Saturday, August 29, 2015

Our First Home

We are on the move! Again. From Bridgefoot Street to Manchester, then Christchurch, Blanchardstown, Tallaght, Pimlico and Marrowbone Lane, we've moved quite a bit in our 5 or 6? year relationship. And now we are on the move again. Why? Because we love packing.

Not really, in fact I hate packing. But it looks like this will be our last time having to do it because we have just bought our first home!

We started looking for somewhere to buy last March. We couldn't decide on what area we wanted to buy in. Dublin 8, 12, 15 and 24 all had their merits, so we set out to view everything within our budget that looked suitable.
So it turns out I'm the worst house hunter ever. Think Sarah Beanie meets over excited puppy. There wasn't a house I went into that I couldn't find a wall to knock down, or a staircase to move. I wanted to put offers in left, right and centre. And we did make quite a few offers. Luckily the market is a bit mental at the moment and we got out bidded on them all.

We viewed something like 32 houses in all. The fourth being the one I fell in love with. We walked in and I think I actually uttered the word Wow. Which in Phil and Kirsty's world basically means 'The One'. We wandered around and when we broke free from the agent Jamie told me to get a grip we couldn't afford it. He was right. It on at the very top of our budget, which, in this ridiculous market, meant it was going to go for at least 10-20K more than we could afford. The agent confirmed this, and I left broken hearted. The search continued!

Two months, 31 viewings, countless offers and 3 bidding wars later, the dream house popped back up on Daft. Their sale had fallen through and the house was back on the market. We called the agent and made an offer. Negotiated in an American style fridge/freezer and 4 weeks later collected the keys.

So that's our new house. I have so many ideas, plans and pinterest boards ready for decorating it. I'll be sure to show you all in about 10 years when we can actually afford to do it all! We are beyond excited and so grateful to have found our forever home!

P.s. They left the trampoline for us! 


  1. Aaagh!! Congratulations....exciting times ahead. Wishing you the very best of luck with it xx
    Nicola xx

  2. WOW. This is absolutely stunning. Where is it?

    1. Thanks Tracey, its in Tallaght, just off the Old Bawn Road.

  3. it was obviously meant to be :oD We bought our first house last year and the first one we viewed was the one we both fell in love with. Obviously we viewed lots more but we kept comparing all the others to this one. I'm so pleased our offer got accepted. I've never been happier than I am now :o)
    Good luck with everything, it looks gorgeous xx

  4. Congratulations! As a realtor, I always tell my clients, " when you find your house, you will know the moment you walk through the door." Glad you persevered and finally got the home you wanted. Owning your home is not only a wise financial move; but, decorating and re decorating every few years, can be just as exciting as moving.

    Naomi Walters @ Chicora Real Estate

  5. When we moved into our new house, I had to get used to the fact that I could walk normal, play music loud, and even let the kids be kids. It was living in an apartment so long that had conditioned me to have to walk on eggshells each time my neighbors were home. I cannot tell you how liberating it felt to have a home to ourselves!

    Margaret @ Boston North Shore Real Estate


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